Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why, oh why?

Bugs! Yuck! What was the point God? I mean does he really have an affection for bugs? I disagree with Him on this. They are nasty. Especially when they are in your hair. Not my hair. Maymay's hair. Lice!! Yes, I said lice! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! Where did my homeschool girl get lice? Someone tell me. For over an hour last night my husband and I tried to comb bugs out of her hair. It was after 12 when we finally gave up and went to bed. I lay there knowing she still had bugs in her hair. For a couple of weeks she has been itching it and we thought it was dandruff. We couldn't see anything odd on her scalp so we just treated with dandruff shampoo. Yet, I've noticed she has still been scratching. Last night about 9pm we finally were able to see one of the bugs. I thought it was a flea. Oh no, worse. So then we really started inspecting her hair closely. It was awful. If anyone has dealt with this before, I would love some advice. I will likely be spending most of my day trying to get these yucky boogers out of her hair. As if we aren't already far enough behind in school. Dag um!!!!!!!!!


Vonda said...

We dealt with this over the summer. My best advice is lots of mayonnaise. I coated Caylin's hair with about half a jar of mayonnaise, wrapped saran wrap around her head & then put a shower cap on her. We waited about 2 hours & then rinsed her hair & used the lice shampoo & lots of those little critters went down the drain! Then you just have to nit-pick for a few nights to get all of them. I even did the mayonnaise treatment again a few nights later. I haven't prayed for patience since then!
Good luck!

I'm Just Sayin said...

Oh no! We dealt with lice a bunch last year. Eventually we had to call the doctor and get a prescription. Caton, Courtney and I all three suffered with those aggravating creatures. It was in a bottle and smelled AWFUL - I can't remember the name of it. I got so desperate (before the prescription) that I was pulling hair strands out - anything with an egg (nit) on it. The OTC instructions say you don't have to get those out, but we found that we did. I'm so sorry!