Sunday, April 26, 2009

..............The Prayers of a Child

Does it really get any better than hearing your children pray? Is anything more powerful? I think not! My son has always been a prayer warrior. What I mean by that is he has always had faith in prayer: that it is necessary and effective. Lately, my daughter has shown some maturity in her prayer life. When they pray, they fully believe that God is real, that He is listening, and that their prayers will be answered one way or another. Yesterday in the car Macie begins to explain to me that she wants to go to the altar on Sunday to pray. I tried to explain to her that praying at the altar is not a planned event, that it is not done for "show", and that the Holy Spirit would guide her at the right time for that kind of praying. She asked that if she wanted to do that, would it be okay with me. I said yes, but she needed to be careful about her motives. So, today I totally anticipated her heading to the front so that "her friends could gather around her" as she put it yesterday. Well, the invitation started, but instead of a tug from Macie I hear Cody whisper, "Mom, can you go with me to the front so I can pray about our new home?" I knew instantly it was God leading the three of us to His altar. The wonderful thing about it is that we gathered and bowed before Him, my children led us in prayer. I didn't say a word. God had not led me to the altar, but my sweet children. They both prayed and I treasured the moment in my heart.

As my family continues to face hardships, including a new diagnosis of prostate cancer in my stepfather's life, I rest in the freedom and privilege of prayer. And who did I ask first to begin to pray? My little prayer warriors!!

I encourage you to teach your children to pray, not by script or etiquette or design, but by faith. Let them hear you communicate with your Savior. Let them see your complete assurance of your audience, the Creator of the universe and show them that it is totally appropriate to share everything with God and to hold nothing back. Remind them consistently that there is nothing unimportant to Him and He should always be our source for answers. Let them see you bowed before God.


Hall Family said...

How awesome is that! You have two really great kids, who also have two really great parents!

wendi said...

Teaching prayer is something we have been working with Caleb lately. I think you are right about living it out in front of them is the best way to teach it. Any other ideas that have worked for you guys?

Anna Gray said...

This actually has nothing to do with the post, but I would have had myself on the video except that Rachael and Seth like to be 'silly' on all of them, and every video that did show me, Rachael and Seth were being, hopefully next time I will be on one and they won't be so silly. Happy Blogging!!!!!

~A.G.~ :D :O :)