Well yesterday started out a glorious day. Brannon's bowels worked a bit. We were on such a high from such a clearly answered prayer. But the rest of the day was downhill from that. He started having severe cramping and vomiting. He was sick all night.
His bowels are showing progress. His stomach is not. It's not working at all really. It doesn't contract the way it should so nothing moves through. This is why he STILL has a tube in his nose to his tummy removing all liquids naturally made by the body (stomach). The drainage is a lot. He hasn't eaten in 9 days.
Today he had a PICC line placed to start receiving nutrition through it. They also took out NG tube and replaced it with a new one that will hopefully be more comfortable. The old one has caused sores in his nasal passages. The tape holding the tube to his cheek caused blisters on his face.
Please pray for a big turn around for him. He is suffering and it is very hard to accept especially when no one seems to have answers. This is very frustrating. It is quite a spiritual journey for me as I seek the Lord's intervention and wait. I find myself before the throne with such frustration in my heart. Yet, I know it is God Almighty who controls all things and is sovereign over all and we are desperate for Him.
I can't say my faith isn't shaken as I look upon my sweet nephew in a hospital bed suffering with no answers knowing I have spent days begging God to change this situation. It isn't a matter of unbelief. I believe He can do anything He desires and that He is as real as ever and that He hears every cry. I'm shaken over not getting my way. I'm frustrated b/c I can't change it myself and because so far God has not answered my demands.
Now, why I thought I could demand anything from God is beside me. He owes me nothing. I owe Him everything. But, how I long to see Him move in such a mighty way that no one in my family can deny its Him. I want His glory to be revealed through the healing miracle of His touch. Please continue to pray along with me.
I completely understand your frustration, and God does as well!
Brannon and your family (extended too) have been constantly on my mind.
I feel led to pray for you all often throughout the day. Let me know if there is anything more I can do~Mandy
"If life were stable, I'd never need God's help. Since it's not, I reach out for Him regularly. I am thankful for the unknowns and that I don't have control, because it makes me run to God." Francis Chan, Crazy Love, p45
Read this and thought of you guys. Praying.
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