Sunday, May 2, 2010


So, as you can see, I am working on revamping my blog. I don't know if "revamping" is actually a word, but you know what I mean. Sorry for all the chaos it causes, but isn't it prettier :)!

I don't have much to say in this post, but I did want to mention I'm trying to jump the bandwagon of runners in the world. And it ain't easy. My abdomen screams at me in the form of a burning cramp. Anyone know how to NOT get that cramp?

At this point, I'm making it about 30 yards at a time, then I'm back to walking. Pitiful, I know. But it's a start!

Last thought: Macie had her last check up at the Hospital from the meningitis saga. She is back to normal, all symptoms of the disease are gone! We continue to praise God for her healing, knowing things could be so different.

If you have time, click on the button for Chrissie on the right-hand side. Read a little and pray a lot for her. God is doing miracles in her life and it is quite a story.

1 comment:

Anna Gray said...

Oh I LOVE how the design looks and all of the earthy colors. I especially like the sky blue colors in your design!

I got my blog designed for free back at Easter by a sweet bloggy chum.

It's looks great!

See you tomorrow @ the Classical award cerimony! =)