I've recently finished reading Kisses from Katie, the book, not the blog, but you should check them both out! Today I'm going to comment on a statement from her book and my next post will be on a comment from her last post which you can read by clinking on link.
Katie is one of those who figured it out before any time was wasted. God spoke to heart and she wasn't too busy, too self centered, or too focused on worldly things to miss it. And now at 22 years old she's right in midst of His work, His miracles, His glory. I can't help but envy it.
Don't get me wrong. God's work, God's miracles, and God's glory is all around me. But I have to work super hard to not miss it. I have to fight my way through America's overindulgence which I have let overcome me for far too long to make sure I see it and that I participate in it. It's hard to give Him my full attention. Reading her experiences reminded me of this.
But, that's not what this post is about. :)
Her rich, confronting statement was this: "Christ incarnated in the parent is the only hope of incarnating Christ in a child."
There's so much wisdom in those words. She made the statement in the context of loving girls who have never known love, don't know how to accept love, and don't know how to trust. I think it rings true when you are trying to love anyone who doesn't understand your authority or how to submit and trust.
If my kids can't see Christ in me why would I expect them to respond like Christ? Its so easy to show Christ when I'm content, when I have my students over, when I'm involved in some church activity, etc. But what about when they tick me off, when they push that last button, when they clearly have no respect for who I am in their lives and they forget all I have done for them, all I've given up for them, all I've suffered for their good.
Hmmmm, sounds so familiar doesn't it? Like a little bit of the story of Christ? How quick I am to forget all He's done, all He's given up for me, all He has suffered for my good, yet His love is steadfast. His forgiveness, grace and mercy is inexhaustible.
I get her statement. Christ incarnated in me is the only hope of incarnating Christ in my children. I need this reminder moment by moment. I'm grateful God confronted me with it.
So true :)~Mandy
good stuff cathy
Clearly a GREAT statement. I know you have told me this statement when you read it but until I read it over and over again, it didn't click. WOW! How very true that is for us!!
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