Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's Ahead in 2010?

2009 was filled with trials. God allowed some difficult things to happen, not only in my immediate family but my extended family as well. It has been a year of sincere dependence on Him, and some much needed growth in our lives. We have all been stretched beyond our comfort zones and I give thanks for His work in us.

And apparently He still desires to stretch us more......He has put the desire in our hearts to grow our family. I have posted on this before as we began to discuss it, actually about 2 years ago. I don't think I posted much on it until around the spring of last year when we began to talk with more commitment in our hearts.

Several years ago, 7 years to be exact, we decided that 2 was enough. Our family was very comfortable. We had the blessing of having a boy and a girl and they were a great difference in ages. We were content and saw no need to let "fate" control our situation. By-the-way, I don't believe anything in life is controlled by some kind of fate, but only by the complete sovereignty of God, Creator. So how I thought a small surgery would keep Him from completing His plan for me is so ridiculous. And I actually began to pray that God would bypass any thing we had done to prevent pregnancy. He didn't choose to. So what then?

I knew our family wasn't done and Jeff agreed. We didn't really know what that meant though, adoption or fostering. We have been working through this decision for almost a year and we have had many stages to go through. We had a time of being still, and of waiting for God. We have had a time of research and anticipation. It has all culminated to a clear direction from Him that it is time.

And so.....we are in the very early stages of beginning an adoption. We are looking at a domestic private adoption. We have a specific financial goal we are trying to meet before we enter into a contract to begin the actual process of adoption. If you want to know 'why domestic' look back at my post in Aug. where I describe the lessons I learned in Romania. Also, God said so :).

Please pray for us as we are anxious to get this adventure started but know there are things to take care of first.

By the way, God may have said no to bypassing our mistake, but He has made clear why: a child exist or will exist that will not have what he/she needs unless someone says "we have room for you". That is the heart of our family; we have room.